Glenwood Library

Glenwood Elementary is extremely proud of our Library.  Thanks to the generous support over the years from Glenwood PAC, school grants and our school district’s support our Library contains an extensive collection of over 6118 books.  This results in an excellent book-to-student ratio.  The Library houses a wide variety of materials including picture books, reference materials, young adult fiction and graphic novels in a wide variety of genres and reading levels to name a few.  Our students enjoy daily access to the Library and are assisted in learning about the Library and finding books by our Librarian, Mrs. Kilby, and Library Technician, Ms. Haire.

Feel free to click on the link below to access the catalogue for Glenwood Elementary Library and browse through our book collections.  Are you looking for something specific?  Click on the Catalog Tab and then search for your book title or author name.