Contact / Directions/Parking

Glenwood Elementary

20785 24 Ave, Langley
BC, V2Z 2B4

Phone: 604-534-4644
Fax: 604-534-8301
Attendance Phone: 604-534-4644
Attendance Email:


Glenwood Elementary is situated on the corner of 208th Street and 24th Avenue in south Langley, BC.  The school entrance is located on the west side of 208th Street.

From the Langley area…

  • Follow 208th Street south to 24th Avenue or
  • Follow 200th Street south to 24th Avenue.  Turn left (east) on 24th Avenue and continue to 208th Street.  Turn left (north) onto 208th Street

From the White Rock area…

  • Follow 16th Avenue east to 208th Street.  Turn left (north) on 208th and continue to 24th Avenue.

From the Aldergrove area...

  • Follow 16th Avenue West to 208th Street.  Turn right (north) on 208th and continue to 24th Avenue.


Please only park on the Northside shoulder of the 24th or the Westside shoulder of the 208th. All other parking is wheelchair accessible or staff parking during regular school hours. Please do not block the driveways of the commercial greenhouse across from Glenwood, as we need to respect our neighbours. Please do not park where it is marked not to do so or would create a driving violation (follow the rules of the road), as we want our students to be safe.

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