Principal’s Message

Welcome to Glenwood Elementary’s website!

Glenwood is a smaller K to 7 school (225 students) with a huge school spirit and an amazing sense of community! We’re located at the corner of 208th Street and 24th Avenue in the Fernridge area of Langley. We have 10 divisions in our school. The original two-room school, our “Heritage Building” is currently in use.  We have two portable units on site which house two divisions.

Glenwood’s amazing PAC provides ongoing support to our school and organizes fundraisers, hot lunches, the Christmas Craft Fair Market, the Scholastic Book Fair, Trunk or Treat and more. Their efforts are tireless!

Our hardworking and dedicated teachers and support staff work hard to support the learning needs of all Glenwood students. Teachers run many activities throughout the year like basketball, volleyball and other opportunities. We appreciate the support of parents who monitor home reading programs, offer support with assignments, and check in regularly with classroom teachers.

At monthly assemblies, we recognize our students for their great efforts. All students throughout the school are eligible to receive recognition for exemplifying good citizenship – awards are given out when a Glenwood student ROARS (Respect Others And Respect Selves).  Recipients are nominated monthly by their classroom teachers. Each month one of our Grade Seven Leaders is nominated by their classmates for the Class Act Award and t-shirt. The Grade Sevens at Glenwood enjoy serving their community by helping younger students in a variety of ways, taking care of the school garden and so much more.

Our older students in Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 buddy up with younger students in Divisions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 to support them in buddy reading and help out with other engaging activities. Older students also volunteer as classroom monitors at recess on rainy days and during the eating period at lunchtime.

Visitors to our school are quick to point out the “wonderful feeling” and “welcoming spirit” that prevails at our school “Where Students Come First.” More information and photos are shared weekly or bi-weekly in emails that go directly to our families. We do not place as much information on our website and prefer to communicate directly with our Glenwood Families.


Mrs. G. Janzen
Glenwood Elementary

“An innovative, inspiring and unified learning community”


I respectfully acknowledge that I work on the unceded traditional territories of the Matsqui, Katzie, Kwantlen and Semiahmoo First Nations.