The Glenwood PAC is an important part of Glenwood. We are an extremely fortunate school to have such a great community of parents and families so willing to be involved within the school. Our parents work very hard at fundraising, hot lunches, Monster Mash, Christmas Market and many more activities which help make Glenwood a wonderful place for kids to be. A place “Where Kids Come First!” Our PAC believes that an effective school is one in which parents and the community support the school, participate in school activities, and actively participate in children’s learning by sharing skills and talents. We believe that a high level of parental involvement plays an integral role in developing, supporting and maximizing our children’s experience within the school.
If you wish to contact our PAC committee please email them at (note this PAC email is for fundraising, hot lunch and general inquiries, etc.).
If you wish to contact the PAC regarding the Christmas Market please email them at
See also their Facebook page at Glenwood PAC Info and Events. Send a request to join the group.
Glenwood PAC 2024-2025 Executives:
President: Tova MacDonald
Vice President – Jen Harkness
Treasurer: Michel Ling
Secretary – Kelly Shaw
DPAC Rep – Shania Souka
Past President – Tara Roteliuk
Additional Members:
Special Planning Council: Kale Quewezance, Megan Carnduff and Taylor Cowie
PAC is the acronym for the Parent Advisory Council. The PAC is involved with the school throughout the school year. Glenwood’s Parent Advisory Council is comprised of volunteer parents and/or guardians of students enrolled at Glenwood Elementary. We are an enthusiastic group, performing a vital role in our school community. We:
- liaison with administrators, teachers and support staff
- assist with many school functions (i.e. Monster Mash, Sports Day, Welcome to Kindergarten)
- assist with the acquisition of teaching aids and school accessories (i.e. early literacy books, computers, science equipment, library books, field trips, etc.) through various fundraising activities.
Glenwood’s PAC joins over 940 other PAC’s in BC divided into 40 District Parent Advisory Councils. The District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) is the voice of the parents within the Langley School District. They discuss issues such as curriculum changes, budgets and educational priorities with Trustees and educational representatives within the district. By becoming part of Glenwood’s PAC, you can participate in influencing the school’s direction and provincial education on a larger scale.
Parental supervision of your child(ren) is a requirement at any and all PAC-sponsored events that occur outside of normal school hours (e.g. movie nights, fun fairs, etc.). When we use the school during these off hours, we are similar to any other community group like a soccer team that comes in during the evening – we are responsible for our own safety and good behaviour. The teachers you may see in attendance are there at our invitation, to operate special equipment, for moral support, or they may be there enjoying the event with their own families. If you leave your child at these events without adult supervision (over age 18), you are placing an unfair burden on other parents to supervise your children. PAC events during school hours (e.g. hot lunches) will continue to be supervised by volunteer parents and school staff. Thank you for your cooperation in supervising your child(ren) at all PAC events.
If you have any suggestions, questions, ideas or comments that you’d like to share with other parents regarding Glenwood please direct (via e-mail) to our PAC Committee at