Glenwood Elementary
Code of Conduct
“Where Kids Come 1st”
Statement of Purpose
One of the goals at Glenwood Elementary is to provide a safe, caring and orderly environment “Where Kids Come First.” To that end, students, staff, parents and the community were actively involved in the development of our Code of Conduct. Our intention is to create a school climate where students are free from harm, where clear expectations of acceptable behavior are held and met, and where all members of the school community feel they belong.
All students are subject to our code of conduct while at school. This includes traveling to and from school as well as attendance at all school sponsored games and functions.
Conduct Expectations
We believe that the school and the home must work together as partners to ensure student success. Our school takes pride in establishing, teaching and revisiting school expectations (see expectations) in order to maintain a positive school climate. Severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct as well as the age and maturity of students is considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action.
It is the responsibility of each student to:
• Tell the truth at all times.
• Respect the rights and property of others.
• Follow the instructions of all adult supervisors
• Participate in class and strive to do your best.
• Dress appropriately and follow the school dress code.
• Treat school property with care
Consequences and Notification
We understand that there are times when we need to deal with incidents of unacceptable conduct. We appreciate that the age and maturity of students should be considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action. On occasion, school officials may have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of conduct. It is unacceptable for students to:
• Bully, intimidate or threaten others
• Be physically aggressive
• Insult or disrespect others
• Endanger the safety of others
• Disrupt the learning environment
• Use or be in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs
These are examples of unacceptable behaviors and not an all-inclusive list.
“Where Kids Come 1st – Glenwood Elementary”